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All Over Nymphéas (EN)


All Over Nymphéas

Création 2022


All Over Nymphéas is inspired by the hypnotic garden of Eden composed of many pieces and painted over 250 times by Claude Monet. This idyllic vision void of any human presence, conceived as an artistic response to the atrocities of World War I, offers as the unique motif, the basin of water lilies of his garden in Giverny. Projecting this experience onto the current context of social and environmental tensions that test our priorities, this piece rests on the notion of “motif” to shape the architecture of a fragmented landscape in which the original and the artificial are diluted in a blurry wave.

The motif as a figurative or abstract pictorial element, the main subject of the series, propelling a dynamic to this expanding graphic composition. The motif as dramaturgical catalyst, revealing reason to act and fundamental impulse to move into motion. In these troubled times where we are regularly asked to justify the motive of our actions, All Over Nymphéas is conceived as the beginning of a sequenced cosmogony in which the founding myths remain to be written, questioning what most profoundly moves us, both physically and emotionally.


Concept, chorégraphie et scénographie : Emmanuel Eggermont

Collaboration artistique et photographie : Jihyé Jung

Interprétation : Laura Dufour, Emmanuel Eggermont, Mackenzy Bergile, Cassandre Munoz, Eva Assayas 

Création lumière : Alice Dussart

Musique Originale : Julien Lepreux

Régie plateau : Lucie Legrand

Costume : Emmanuel Eggermont, Jihyé Jung, Kite Vollard

Production et diffusion : Sylvia Courty

Administratrice de production : Violaine Kalouaz

Production : L’Anthracite (

Coproduction : CCN de Tours direction Thomas Lebrun, Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France, Le Théâtre de Liège, Le Phare CCN du Havre direction Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh, Le Vivat d’Armentières scène conventionnée d’intérêt national, L’échangeur–CDCN Hauts-de-France, Micadanses Paris

Accueil en résidence : CNDC – Angers, Boom'Structur – Pôle chorégraphique

Avec l’aide du ministère de la culture DRAC Hauts-de-France au titre de l’aide au conventionnement et la Région Hauts-de-France.

Avec le soutien du mécénat de la Caisse des Dépôts



©2024 L'Anthracite/Emmanuel Eggermont