Πόλις (Pólis)
Creation 2017
From the idea of the "city", at the same time an urban, social and mythical notion. Question its process of formation and organization; that this "city" is antique, modern, labor, virtual...
Working in the same way of an archaeologist. By being situated in this delicate place where he might be brought to use the fictional to study an over and fossilized reality.
Work from then on on the idea of strata, covering. Make an internal and external stratigraphical core drilling. Experiment our capacity to see beyond the superficial layer.
Lean for it on the experience of « Outre-noir » by Pierre Soulages. His paintings of which the black little by little covered their entire surface to let better appear layers structured by dark materials revealing the light and the infinity of tints above suspicion.
Πόλις (Polis) to question our capacity to build together. From the social experience of the fourier utopias to the chaos of today's megacities. From the study of cities wher the process of creation is taking place, to the study of the lost cities, as Pompeii protected under layers of volcanic sediments.
And Πόλις (Polis) to perceive all the actors of this " choreographic city " under construction as so many microcosms to be examined.
Concept and Choreography : Emmanuel Eggermont
Created and Performed by : Laura Dufour, Jihyé Jung,
Emmanuel Eggermont, Nina Santes and Manuel Rodriguez
Artistic Assistant & photography : Jihyé Jung
Scenography : Emmanuel Eggermont
Light design : Serge Damon
Music : Julien Lepreux
Production : L'Anthracite.
Coproduction : L’L - Lieu de recherche et d’accompagnement pour la jeune création (Bruxelles),Pôle Sud - CDC (Strasbourg), le Vivat d'Armentières scène conventionnée danse et théâtre,Le Gymnase CDC Roubaix - Nord Pas de Calais, L’Échangeur - CDC Hauts-de-France,le CCN de Tours / l’Agora de la danse (Montréal)
With the support of de la DRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Picardie et la Région Hauts-de-France
©2010-2024 L'Anthracite/Emmanuel Eggermont